The Mood Hacks Podcast


Mood Hacks

"A gorgeous display book that will keep your spirits high. Just pick it up whenever you need an attitude shift or a mood change. Filled with fun, real-life tips to keep you living your best and happiest life. Sometimes you just need a Mood Hack. Makes a great gift as well. So get another one for someone you love!"

About the Author

Jamie Roddy is a joy monger and CEO of design firm EdenLA Interiors in Los Angeles. She lives by the beach with her hilarious son and a little white dog that follows her everywhere. She wants you to enjoy all your delicious moments, and she hopes this book helps.


What is the Mood Hacks book and podcast series about?

The Mood Hacks book and podcast series is all about providing fun and practical tips to help you live your best and happiest life. It covers various aspects of life, including relationships, self-care, productivity, and overall well-being. 

Can I apply the Mood Hacks tips to my own life easily?

Absolutely! The tips provided in the book and podcast are designed to be practical and easy to implement. They are meant to seamlessly fit into your daily routine, allowing you to incorporate them into your life without feeling overwhelmed. 

Will the Mood Hacks podcast help me improve my relationships?

Absolutely! The podcast explores various aspects of relationships, including communication, conflict resolution, and building stronger connections. By implementing the advice shared in the podcast, you can enhance your relationships and create more meaningful connections with others. 

How often is the Mood Hacks podcast released?

The podcast episodes are typically released on an almost daily basis, allowing you to consistently receive new tips and inspiration to improve your mood and happiness. 

Are there any guest experts featured in the Mood Hacks book and podcast series?

Yes, the series often invites guest experts, including psychologists, life coaches, and other professionals, to share their insights and expertise on specific topics. This adds depth and diversity to the content, providing a well-rounded perspective on improving mood and happiness. 

Are the strategies and tips shared in the Mood Hacks podcast easy to implement?

Yes, the podcast focuses on providing practical and actionable tips that are easy to implement in your daily life. The strategies are designed to be accessible and can be incorporated into your routine without feeling overwhelmed. 

Can I submit my own mood hacks or questions to the show?

Yes, many mood hacks book and podcast series encourage audience participation. You can often submit your own mood hacks, questions, or suggestions through social media channels, email, or dedicated platforms provided by the show. 

How can the Mood Hacks podcast improve my life?

The mood hacks podcast provides practical tips and advice to help improve your mood and overall well-being. By implementing the strategies and mindset shifts shared in the podcast, you can experience increased happiness, better relationships, improved productivity, and a more positive outlook on life. 

How often should I listen to the Mood Hacks podcast to see improvements in my life?

The frequency of listening to the podcast is up to you. You can listen to episodes as often as you like, whether it's once a week or binge-listening to multiple episodes in one sitting. Consistency is key, so regularly incorporating tips and strategies into your life will yield the best results.